Wind is air that is engaged in turbulent movement, and as such, is an apt symbol for the energy of change.
In 2008 a majority of those in the US voted for a President who promised change. Today, many of those are disappointed that not enough has come about. But change is indeed in the air. The energy of change is permeating the planet, because it is energy that must first change before physical reality can follow.
The problem is that the energy of change is not comfortable. How many of us are feeling sad, uncertain, unsettled, distracted, anxious, fearful, confused and like the other shoe is going to drop? Some of us have real reasons for these feelings, especially if we have been affected by the floods, tornadoes, drought, earthquakes and other unusual weather around the world. But others are feeling these emotions also, for no apparent reason.
The winds of change first of all bring sadness, for even changes that are positive often need grieving. We are still leaving behind something, and even if it is something we want to leave behind, we often need a time of mourning. This is a natural releasing process, and an important step that must be undertaken before moving on.
We are also connected energetically to all the people in the world who have suffered losses. Although we may not know them personally and they may be far away, we still feel their pain.
The winds of change also bring uncertainty, anxiety and a feeling of being unsettled, and even outright fearfulness. This is because the energy of change is breaking down boundaries, loosening limitations and creating new potentials.
While this may sound good theoretically, boundaries and limitations are what give us our ability to move about comfortably in our environment. When they disappear we feel exposed and vulnerable. When rules and definitions fall away with no new ones yet in place, we loose our sense of being able to know and control the world around us in ways we have before. Things that have worked before no longer work, and labels that made sense before, no longer ring true.
For example, we label our current political positions as conservative and progressive. Conservatives are usually those that want to maintain the status quo, while progressives are those that want to take the risks involved in changing things. Yet today, it is conservatives who want to change things that have existed for decades in the US, like Medicare, Social Security and unions, while progressives fight to keep them. In addition, we have a supposedly progressive President (Obama) who seems to be adopting policies of his exceedingly conservative predecessor.
What gives here? Things no longer make sense.
So we are also confused. We are even more confused because other than political matters in Washington DC and weather changes in other parts of the world, we may not be experiencing any overt changes in our immediate physical environment that would account for the intensity of our feelings. Energy is invisible, but we feel it nonetheless. We wanted change and we are getting it.
But real change often doesn’t happen the way we expect it to. It is messy and chaotic and involves a lot of releasing. (Could it be that this is what the weird weather patterns are all about?) Chaos feels bad, but it is always a precursor to creation. It takes the churning, turbulent nature of chaos to shake things up to the point where the new can enter.
Real change also involves opening ourselves to the new, to seeing new possibilities in the opponent’s point of view, to finding new potentials that no one has thought of before, and to looking for solutions in places we wouldn’t have expected. It means doing away with preconceived ideas, unconscious assumptions and the ego’s need to be “right” all the time.
In other words, as uncomfortable as it may feel, the winds of change hold great potential for growth in all of us, as well as for the evolution of the world in general. Although the birthing process can be painful, putting aside our fear, relaxing into it and trusting the process can help. Deep breathing assists physical birth, and it helps energetic birth as well. Breathe in the new energy, and breathe out the old.
And remember, fear and excitement are but opposites ends of the same spectrum.
You can learn more about the energy realm in my book, “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, found on Amazon, and on my website, www.transformationalexpansion.com.