How can we explain it when we have a problem and a book falls off the shelf and opens to just the right answer? Is it magic when we desperately need to attend a conference we can’t afford, only to unexpectedly receive the right amount in the mail just in time to register?
These are examples of synchronicity, a word coined by Carl Jung, which he defined as “an acausal connecting principle”.
Synchronicity is an amazing and illusive concept. Many of us have experienced it, and want to consider it real, but it just doesn’t make sense from our knowledge of, and experience with the physical world. After all, change in the physical world happens through cause and effect. Meaningful coincidences or synchronicities seem to have no cause and effect associated with them other than human need or intention. And in the physical world, it appears that consciousness is not involved in creating physical change without cause and effect, and a good deal of force or work added to the equation.
But in the quantum world, consciousness does seem to affect reality, specifically, the outcome of experiments. That is why we now mandate that all human drug trials are double blind.
How does consciousness affect physical reality? Physicists really don’t know for sure, but recently some in the scientific world are beginning to ask this question and their theorizing gives some clues to an understanding of this puzzling phenomenon.
Most speculation revolves around quantum entanglement, which refers to the apparent subatomic connection of everything to everything else. Specifically, scientists have found that particles that have been entangled energetically remain connected even after being separated in the physical world.
Einstein called quantum entanglement “Spooky action at a distance” and didn’t believe it even though his theories predicted it.
But eventually, physicists agreed that quantum entanglement is a fact, at least on the subatomic level. And today there seems to be growing agreement that quantum entanglement may be present in the macro (large object) world as well. It could well explain how fish school and birds flock, for example. Now scientists are beginning to ask how it works, how consciousness may or may not affect it, and why its effects are well documented in the subatomic world, but less obvious in the world of plants, animals and humans.
One important factor in these speculations is the role of coherence. In physics, coherence means the matching, synchronization or entrainment of waves of energy. When this happens there is nothing out of phase and everything is working in harmony. In the body, for example, coherence would mean that all physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy systems are working in harmony and perfectly entrained, all working for the good of the whole. In this case, coherence would mean perfect health.
When an energy system is coherent within itself, it also has the capacity to link or connect energetically and become entrained with the energy of everything around it. Internal coherence begets external coherence, so to speak. Quantum entanglement is easier and more possible on a subatomic level because the reduced complexity of smaller, simpler systems also reduces the chance that this innate coherence will be disrupted or knocked out of phase. The more complex and larger the system, the more chance that both internal and external coherence will be disrupted, and then the quantum or energetic connection is broken.
Although this is now just speculation among scientists, coherence begins to make sense when we apply it to what we know and have experienced in our own lives. The theory of energetic coherence may help us understand many mysterious phenomena that don’t otherwise make sense.
In the human energy system, for example, a sense of coherence seems to be triggered in states of meditation, joy and ecstasy, artistic creation, play, love, and feelings of deep gratitude. These states are also when we are most likely to access our intuition, connect energetically to other people or pets, or have healing effects on our own bodies or those of others. Successful energy healers have been found to have energy fields entrained with both the energy fields of their clients and the energy frequencies of Earth.
It could also be that choosing to be in a state of coherence triggers a quantum entanglement-like connection which influences future probabilities, in other words, synchronicity. Setting an intention while in a state of coherence creates a new energetic field linking that intention with all probabilities needed for that intention to manifest, while at the same time, separating out all the rest. In other words, the process of synchronicity is set into motion when a choice is made from a state of coherence with that choice. This means that all human energetic systems (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) must be in total agreement with the choice, with no internal friction or external distractions.
But just setting synchronicity in motion will not necessarily guarantee the desired result (as we all know so well). Anything that disrupts the internal coherence of the human making the choice, or the external connections to the probabilities necessary for the choice to manifest, can also interrupt the coherence between the human being and the entangled probabilities poised to bring the intention to physical fruition.
What are these possible disruptions? Here are just a few.
1. Internal doubt that the process really works
2. Lack of clarity about what is being chosen or intended
3. Subconscious fears and conflicts
4. Extraneous stress and worry not related to the particular intention
5. Effects of mass consciousness
6. The soul’s knowledge that the intention is not in the best interest of the person or the rest of creation
And the list could go on and on. We don’t need to think hard to find examples – just examine our own experiences.
But anything we can do to increase our coherence with what we intend will encourage the energetic connections (synchronicity) needed to bring forth the intention. This is why it is so important to understand how synchronicity works, to trust yourself and your ability to manifest, to gain as much clarity about your choices as possible, to make sure there are no internal conflicts about the intention, to experience the results fully in your imagination (see them, taste them, touch them, smell them, hear them), to let go of worry and stress, and to experience your choices just as if they had already manifested.
Coherence also could be why spiritual work (attaining internal and external coherence) demands a certain amount of quiet, alone time. The more distractions and busyness in our lives, the more chance for disruptions that break us away from the underlying energetic connection that is our birthright.
However, the real lesson here is the role of choice. We can choose to be separate, and sometimes that is appropriate. And sometimes it is more than appropriate, it is absolutely necessary. But we can also choose to connect. We can choose to coherence, and we can choose who and what we want to connect with. And when we do, synchronicity and all the magical connections of the energy realm are at our fingertips.
For more on energy and energy reality, see my book “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, available on Amazon, at local bookstores and on my website:
I love when synchronistic events occur. Not only in my own life, but also when others tell me this “incredible thing” that just happened…No matter how many times I have experienced it, I remain in awe of the Mystery of synchronicity…
Thank-you Bev, for giving us your insight and understanding of these awe inspiring occurrences!
Thanks Janis. It is truly amazing.
Beverly I honestly believe you are brilliant and am very grateful to have your insights… Hugs!