As you become more energy aware, you may notice the different ways you respond to the energy of large groups of people. Energy sensitive people will be most affected, but all of us are influenced to some degree, since we all tend to easily pick up the energy of others without realizing we are doing it.
Naturally, being with a group of friends will feel completely different than being with the same number of strangers. But what about those many times you are with large groups of people you hardly know? I find there are a number of factors that influence how group energy affects me.
A group’s focus of attention (directed energy) has a lot to do with how group energy affects me. If the group is attending a conference, concert or performance where attention is focused on a speaker or performer, the energy feels harmonious and coherent. For me, this experience is very enjoyable as long as the speaker or performer is interesting or entertaining enough to hold my, and everyone else’s attention.
When the focus of attention is diffuse however, as it is in cocktail parties or meet and greets where a large number of small groups are chatting about different subjects, the energy feels jarring, disjointed and uncomfortable even if most people seem to be enjoying themselves. Because I am an introvert and extremely energy sensitive, these types of gatherings tire me out and leave me feeling distracted and scattered. This energy feels similar to people scraping their fingernails on a blackboard. (Extroverts and those not so energy sensitive will respond differently.)
When I must attend such functions, I have learned that breathing my personal energy back to me and then grounding it helps keep my energy field from feeling so ruffled. I am most comfortable in these cases when I have a specific job to do so at least my attention is focused.
Venue and purpose
Venue also makes a difference in how group energy affects us. When large numbers of people gather to protest or express their displeasure about something, it is easy for the crowd to become unruly and/or violent. The energy of discontent is full of friction and unease and the building intensity can easily cause people to do things they would never do alone. This is why mobs can easily get out of control and end up becoming destructive. Responsible organizers of these events should realize this danger and plan ways to avoid it.
Crowds in different venues with different purposes can have the opposite affect. I was recently asked to participate in an art festival, showing and selling my artwork. Crowds of people came and went, chatting in small groups with one another and with individual artists. Although this is precisely the kind of group situation that usually makes me uncomfortable, I was pleasantly surprised at my reaction. Instead of feeling scattered and ruffled, I enjoyed myself.
The artwork at this show was all very good, and the day was beautiful. Even though people weren’t buying a lot, everyone (including the artists), was upbeat and appreciative. It may be that being around good art has a certain calming and harmonizing affect on our energy fields, much like being out in nature. It certainly seemed to affect me that way, and everyone else as well.
The most enjoyable group experiences for me are when everyone in the group is not only focused on the same thing, but also physically and emotionally participating as well. Synchronized movement as in dancing in sync or a flash mob, singing with a group or choir, playing in a band or orchestra, drumming, chanting or meditating together heightens the frequency and increases the intensity of everyone’s energy, often to the point of ecstasy. This synchronized energy gives us the experience of group coherence and harmony that is often hard to find anywhere else in our lives. The combination of harmony, focus and personal participation provides an experience that offers joy, inspiration and a brief glimpse into what humans can do when we synchronize our energy and work together toward a common goal.
How do you respond to the energy of crowds? Becoming aware of the effects of group energy can help us make better and more enjoyable choices whenever we are with large numbers of people.
You can learn more about the energy realm in my book, “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, found on Amazon, in local bookstores, and on my website,
I love this article as it so beautifully describes how, and why one’s energy can be affected when in various types of crowds. What I really resonated with, and had an embodied experience while reading the description and examples of synergy that can open us to states of ecstasy.
Thanks Bev for putting into words that which my both my physical and subtle body have experienced!
With heart,
You are so welcome Janis. And thank you for creating group opportunities that allow synergy to be a part of our lives.
Soon I will be going to a Yoga festival that I have attended annually for several years. Some teachers are so popular that I can be doing Yoga with someone inches away from me on all sides in a room of two hundred unknown people. Normally this would be intolerable, but instead it is a wonderful feeling of shared humanity and delight in the practice of Yoga. Your article makes perfect sense of why that works for me.
Group yoga is such a great example of synergy – thank you Deborah
for reminding me. It is synchronized energy on so many levels.