I am sick. I have the flu. I can’t breathe, I can’t think, I can’t concentrate on anything other than my most immediate need (a glass of water).
So why is this a blessing? It’s a blessing because it has given me emotional, mental and spiritual gifts that are profound.
I am a parent. And my adult son, as a member of the Navy Reserve, is being deployed overseas shortly. Before he knew he would be going, he bought a house and completely tore it up to remodel. But now he has to rent, and must bring the chaos back to order.
My son is not freaking out. Even though he has no wife or current girlfriend to help him, he has a disciplined timetable and is addressing it well. But I am an emotional wreck. I have driven 100 miles round-trip three times this week to help him paint, stain molding, and clean up.
My soul kept telling me this is not my problem. In addition, it is a problem of my own making. He is not overwhelmed like I am. I just need to bug out and leave him alone.
But I couldn’t. He is my first-born child, and I am a mom.
So I knew this was the cause of getting sick. Nonetheless I again drove 100 miles to “help” him. And even though I was feeling much better when I got in the car to leave, once there, my symptoms become much worse. I finally had to give up, go home, and go to bed.
In my “misery” I have had time to reflect. Because I feel so bad, I can’t worry about my son. I can’t even worry about me. I just don’t have the energy. I am entirely in the present. Thinking about the past and the future (why we worry) is completely beyond me. Thinking about my son’s “problems” is not possible.
Now I can see that he is expecting to finish and that all will be well, and so it will be. His intention will create that reality for him. Just because his workload seems unimaginably impossible to me does not mean it is impossible for him. Because of my cold I cannot physically try to “help” him anymore. Because I have to live in the present, I cannot worry. And because my world has stopped, I can now see more clearly. I now realize that because his workload seemed overwhelming to me, I was probably hindering his efforts far more than helping him.
So what a blessing is this – to live in the now moment and not even be able to worry, – to be forced to quiet down long enough to cut through the fog of parental responsibility and see the world in a more multidimensional way.
I certainly wish I were not sick. But being sick has taught me a valuable lesson. Being sick is often what it takes to get us to stop and reflect, to honor the present and stay in it, and to empower those we love to solve their own “problems”, which in fact, may not even be problems for them.
Being sick has also forced me to change and/or curtail my everyday habits. While part of me is frustrated that I can’t pursue my regular activities, there is another part that realizes how freeing this disruption can be. I have no energy to be active in any way, physically or mentally, so even reading is beyond my ability at this point. My only option has been to lay flat on my back, close my eyes and listen to webinars, radio programs and lectures that I have wanted to listen to for a long time, but for which I could never find the time or patience.
These programs have been mind-blowing, and very synchronistic. The information is quite timely for me and my life right now, and all the different sources seemed to present much the same information in different but complementary ways. Because being sick forced me to do things differently, I discovered wonderful information that resulted in tremendous personal breakthroughs for me, and potentially for my clients as well.
It has also occurred to me that the flu pandemic we are experiencing right now could have a larger and more constructive purpose. We are at the beginning of a new era, and we need to adjust ourselves accordingly. But how do we do that?
Being sick has definitely hit the “reset” button for me. It has disrupted my normal activities so I could experience new things, questioned my priorities, caused me to experience being in the now moment, enabled access to new and exciting information, and presented profound insights into both my personal world and the global situation.
All because I am sick.
For more on energy and the energy realm, see my book, “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, available on Amazon, at local bookstores, and on my website: www.transformationalexpansion.com
Loved this! I went through this in November and having 3 weeks of downtime really, in essence, forced me to re-evaluate my stuff, others stuff and what nourished me (other than water and hot tea at that point). Thank you for sharing this.