Multidimensional living means being conscious of the layers of experience that surround even the most mundane and onerous everyday events. Becoming aware of these many layers and the potentials they bring can turn drudgery into an adventure, and cause the soul to sing.
Last week a leak in the humidifier caused the basement to flood. What a mess, and what a lot of work to sop up and dry out. It was not fun.
Then, a week later, we got new flooring in the bathroom and the front and back entryways, as well as two new toilets. This necessitated the cleaning out of all three rooms, getting everything off the floors and sorting through and cleaning all the stuff that was stored there, including the closets.
It is definitely a big change with lots of household disruption, and it made me start to think about the symbolism of it all, and the layers of meaning symbolism presents.
The front and back entryways are the most public part of the house and the bathroom is the most private. The back entryway includes a large pantry with lots of shelves, and storage for many household necessities. It is the flooring that is being replaced, but that necessitates moving everything, sorting everything and getting rid of what is no longer needed.
When the ground under you changes, everything else changes too. Symbolically this suggests a complete internal makeover for me as well, starting with the most private part of myself (symbolized by the bathroom, to the most public (the entryways). I know that once the new floors are in place, the rest of the house will look shabby and that will mean new paint all round and a further discussion of what else needs to be done.
So it does mean lots of disruption and lots of physical work. I’ve noticed that as I’ve gotten older, the thought of household chaos and the physical work involved in changing my surroundings is more onerous. I used to be game to tackle any project with gusto any time, but not so much anymore.
But somehow the thought of household changes (and the cleaning, sorting and labor that goes with it) being symbolic of inner changes as well, makes the disruption and work worth it all. When I’m honest, I have to admit I was even beginning to bore myself. Now I find I have renewed interest and energy for tackling the projects that will follow this initial one, both inner and outer.
I’m sure the flood in the basement last week was all a part of this process too. The basement is symbolic of the deep psyche, certainly a good place to begin. The flood necessitated a thorough cleaning of that part of the house as well. After all the work it was very satisfying to see it clean and orderly.
The problem with internal transitions is that they almost always go unnoticed, especially in the initial stages. It is often only by noticing outer changes and what they mean symbolically that we can follow what is likely happening inside.
So despite all the work involved, I’m really looking forward to the other changes that will follow, both inner and outer (even though I don’t yet know exactly what they will be). I feel energized and ready to tackle anything. And my soul is singing.
For more on energy and energy reality, see my book “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, available on Amazon, at local bookstores and on my website:
Love this, Bev! Enjoying getting your ezine.
Thanks Christine. I’m so glad you are a subscriber!
BEV’S sONG with words of new projects.
I enjoy the thought of what they will be.