One of the benefits of multidimensional living is the ability to develop a close working relationship with the many resources not usually available. Through energetic communication, we all have access to infinite wisdom, whether we call it our higher self, spirit guides, angelic helpers or the soul. Help is always there, but few people are familiar with energetic language or know how to contact and access this infinite wisdom.
Developing this working relationship is not just a theoretical, other-worldly phenomenon. It has definite practical consequences, as the story below indicates.
Like many people, I hate going to the dentist. I am traumatized by even the thought of going to the dentist. So it is really important for me to have a dentist I know, like and trust.
Which is why I have, for many years, had regular cleanings at my periodontist’s office, since I do have that kind of relationship with him. I have avoided my regular dental office, because every time I go there, a new dentist confronts me. (And their prices for cleanings are much higher than the periodontist’s!)
But my periodontist said it was time for new x-rays and the insurance would only pay for these at the regular dentist, so I had to go back. Reluctantly I made the appointment and showed up at the appointed hour.
The x-rays were accompanied by a regular check-up, which I thought perfectly appropriate since I hadn’t been back in such a long time. But I was having no noticeable problems with my teeth and the x-rays seemed fine, so I expected no bad news.
So imagine my shock and horror when the dentist announced that upon examination, he had discovered I needed two crowns replaced because of decay under them, and one new crown due to a crack in the tooth. All in all, the total cost would be over $4,000.00!
The amount of work and the expense were bad enough, but the thought of having this work done by someone I didn’t know and trust was even worse. I had often thought of finding a new dentist, but the amount of work this would take and the uncertainty about yet another new person promoted avoidance.
I knew I would have to pick from those dentists that take our specific kind of insurance which ruled out most that might be recommended by friends. This means I would have to pick a dentist solely on calling many dentists and asking questions about what I needed and wanted, which, of course, would not necessarily guarantee I would find the right person. It also meant a lot of work, calling each dentist, weeding out those that didn’t meet my criteria and then trying to decide who was right.
So I dithered, not being able to decide what to do. Then a few days after my visit, one of my teeth started hurting. I naturally thought it was one of the ones that needed to be worked on, but when I called the dentist back to report the discomfort, I found that this was an entirely new situation and the tooth in question was not one of the ones targeted for repair.
Now I was really upset. But as so often happens, this new development was apparently just what was needed to make me commit to finding a new dentist. And, as soon as I made this commitment, the tooth that was bothering me stopped hurting (and is still fine).
I went on-line to find a list of dentists taking my insurance, and copied down all the ones in the area I needed. I made a list of all the questions I wanted information about and picked up the phone, prepared for a long day of questioning.
As I took a deep breath and grounded to ready myself for the task, I had the sudden insight that my soul was ready and willing to help me out with this. I got out my dowsing rod (I could also have used a pendulum or personal kinesiology) and simply went through the list, asking my soul to give me a yes or no answer as to which of these dentists met all my criteria and was right for me. The answers I got were emphatic and unequivocal. Only three dentists out of the 10 on the list met all of my needs.
Then it occurred to me that I hadn’t asked one other important question. Are these dentists taking new patients? Again the answers were clear. Only one of the three was taking new patients.
I was stunned. A job I thought would take many hours, if not days, had been accomplished in less than 5 minutes!
I called this dentist, asked if he were taking new patients (he was) and also all the other questions I had on my original list, (which were all answered positively), and made an appointment.
Being traumatized by the thought of even entering a dentist’s office leaves me naturally suspicious and even hostile when meeting new dentists, so, despite the recommendation from my soul, this is how I entered his office.
But despite my initial hostility and generally bad attitude, he completely won me over. He was courteous and non patronizing, seemed to appreciate my need to question everything and have every movement explained, and is very conservative in his approach even though he has the latest and greatest in new technology and seems to be proficient in many new procedures.
I told him that the other dentist had recommended some work, but didn’t say what. Upon examination, he singled out the tooth with the crack and said that it should be repaired because of the danger of breaking, but that it could be easily repaired without a crown with no problem now or in the future. He found no other concerns. When I asked specifically about decay under the crowns, he said he saw no evidence of that.
So I walked out of his office a happy woman, with a potential bill of $188.00 rather than $4,000.00, and even better, a dentist whom I really like and can trust.
Yea soul! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You can learn more about the energy realm in my book, “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, found on Amazon, and on my website,
I have a dowsing rod that I haven’t used yet – maybe it’s time!
It’s amazing how much help is out there for us!