2012 was the end of an era. That means 2013 is the beginning of another, and that deep and profound changes should be happening. From the perspective of our everyday lives, however, it looks as if it’s just the same old, same old.
In fact, it seems like things may be getting even worse. The US Congress is again at a standoff, gun violence in the US is increasing, weather patterns continue to be erratic and destructive, global crises like Syria, Iran and the Israeli-Palestinian problem are ongoing. Politicians are still posturing and personal privacy is increasingly threatened. Terrorists are popping up all over, killing themselves and others with glorious abandon. So where is the change?
Despite the chaos (or perhaps because of it), change is happening. Just take a moment to think of the amazing things that have emerged just recently.
The American people said “no” to war with Syria. And the American President, by going to Congress, allowed the people to be heard. Not even the Hawks in Congress could rouse their constituents to sound the drums. In addition, Democrats and Republicans crossed the aisle to stand side by side on one position or the other. Some Democrats and Republicans sided with the President wanting to take action, while a majority of others in both parties opposed military activity. No votes were formally taken because it was obvious that permission to go to war would be denied.
To me, this turn of events is incredible. For the first time in a long time, American politicians stopped fighting one another and listened to their constituents. And what their constituents said was that war is not a solution, and never has been!
The second amazing thing coming out of this situation, is the participation of Mr. Putin. Although it seems the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons had been a topic of discussion between Obama and Putin many months ago, Obama allowed Putin to take the lead and the credit. It seems unbelievable that an American President would be willing to voluntarily turn over the world stage to another world leader. And Mr. Putin, in turn, seems to be making things happen. Syria has submitted a list of its chemical weapons on time, as required. What will ultimately happen here is still unknown, but so far, the sequence of events is unprecedented.
Moreover, as you scan the world over, you realize that there are actually no wars between nations.
There has always been war somewhere, but now there is none. Yes, there is violence. There is civil war in Syria. There are radical Muslims blowing up Westerners, their own people and themselves. There are radical Christians attacking abortion doctors, Muslims and gays. There are the insane and the deranged shooting up work places, schools and theaters. But this violence is happening everywhere on Earth and is not caused by nation fighting nation.
Someone once said that the best thing that could happen to Earth is a threatened alien invasion because then nations would cooperate against an outside threat. Ironically, this has come to pass, but the threat is not from the outside, it is from the inside. This threat is calling on all of us to rethink how we treat the marginalized and despised parts of ourselves.
And then there is Pope Francis, who just recently shocked the world by saying that the church must change or it will die. This jaw-dropping statement is obviously just a prelude to what is to come. The Pope seems to be giving notice to get ready for some truly momentous departures from precedent. The next chapter should be very interesting.
The events in Iran seem to be looking up as well. The Iranian and American governments are now making civilized overtures toward one another. There are still many looking on with skepticism, which is not unjustified given the history. The nay-sayers are reacting to the many failed attempts at curbing Iran’s nuclear ambitions in the past, and are not willing to give in to hope. But nothing seems to be predictable these days, so what happened in the past may now have nothing to do with what happens in the future.
In fact, lack of predictability is one of the characteristics of energy reality. As we move into a new era, we move into a place where energy reality and physical reality will exist side by side. We must learn to be comfortable living in both at the same time, even though it means that we can’t always count on the past to tell us what will happen in the future. Instead, quantum leaps and new directions will increasingly occur. As we move into a new era, we must expect the unexpected.
And the unexpected seems quite promising.
For more on the energy realm, see my book, It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, available on Amazon, in local bookstores and on my website: www.transformationalexpansion.com
I too have been struck by both the new Pope’s words and gestures as well as how the President and Congress have handled the situation in Syria. Love your photo from Patagonia. Its a beautiful image.
I like the tone of this article. All too often even positive moves globally are given short-shift by emphasis placed on the negatives that might grab attention. There is hope for this world community, and you point wisely to some of the reasons why.
Thanks, Bev.