Living a multi-dimensional life requires us to change our perspectives depending on which dimension we’re operating in. Altering our frame of reference means getting out of our comfort zone and experiencing the world from a completely different set of rules and expectations. Here are a few ways we can change our way of seeing in order to experience the world of energy.
We all know how the physical world works. But the world of energy operates differently. The rules are entirely unique and sometimes exactly the opposite (upside down)..
1. In the energy realm, time is either non-existent, runs both ways, or can be slowed down or sped up. Notice how time slows to a crawl when you’re engaged in a boring task, and disappears completely when you’re doing something you love. This experience is not an illusion. It is a result of the way you’re managing your energy field at the time.
The next time you’re late, try relaxing and releasing the anxiety that being late is producing. Raise the energy frequency you’re operating in, and don’t look at your watch. Expect you will get there in time and see what happens.
2. In the energy realm, similarities attract, not opposites. This is why we get what we expect, not necessarily what we want. For example, when we feel abundant, are appreciative for what we have, and expect the best, good things tend to come our way.
Next time you’re in a bad mood, notice how many other unfortunate things seem to follow you around. When we are upset and angry that unsettled dissonant energy attracts more of the same.
3. Physical objects are discrete, but energy is not. Many different kinds of energy can occupy the same space, while specific energy can exist in many locations at the same time. Your energy can simultaneously be present in your body, surrounding your ailing mother, and at the same time accompanying your child to school.
When I was weaning my children and they woke in the night crying for me, I knew they were not hungry but just wanted the comfort of my presence. So from my bed, I sent my energy to them, wrapped it around them and hugged them close. Soon after they stopped crying and went peacefully back to sleep. Your energy is yours to command, and it can be anywhere you choose for it to be.
Changing our perspective is difficult because in order to achieve that change we must consciously change our expectations. Sometimes it is easier to change our expectations if we experience a change in physical perspective. This gives us a chance to experience what it feels like to see things from a different place.
When I was a child, I remember laying on my back and hanging my head off the bed so I could see the world as if it were upside down. What a difference! It was a whole new way of looking at things, and presented a world that in no way resembled what I was used to.
Here is an exercise to try.
We all generally experience the world from the height of an adult human. To get an idea of what a change in perspective might feel like, try seeing the world from a very low angle (like your small dog or toddler), or lay on your back and look straight up and pretend up is down.
With your smart phone or camera, take some photos from the ground straight on, or from a low angle looking up. Notice how different the world looks and how many interesting and beautiful things you find from that angle. Open yourself to any insights that might come as a result of seeing things from this different perspective. You can look at the photos again and again to remind you what it feels like to see things from a different angle.
The photo at the top of this page is of a hanging stained glass lamp above a table. I practically wrecked the table and myself trying to get the shot (had to lie on the table and almost tipped it over on top of me), but it was worth it. I now see the lamp in a whole new way and appreciate it even more than I did before. The colors and patterns seen from this angle are simply not apparent from an upright position.
The second photo is of my dog taken from directly in front of him. Seeing him at his own eye level created a connection between us that allowed me to get a true soul’s eye view of him. I realized that from this level, energetic communication with him would be quite easy (rather than something I expect to be difficult).
Taking these photos made me consciously aware of all the things I’m generally NOT seeing, (and not just from a low angle). This exercise broadened my ability to take in new information, provided many insights, and opened me to experiences that I may have missed before because I assumed I knew what to expect.
Try seeing the physical world from a new perspective, and then open yourself to the possibility that you can allow the energetic realm to reveal itself to you as well. Remember that the laws of energy are different from the rules of the physical world and often contradict them entirely.
I would love to hear about your experiences with this exercise, either in the comments section here, or on my Transformational Expansion Facebook page.
Anything is possible if you release your expectations.
You can learn more about the energy realm in my book, “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, found on Amazon, in local bookstores, and on my website,
Wow! This was amazing….I’m sure source was flowing thru you as you wrote this awe inspiring blog. Your blogs always are very enlightening but this one rocked!
Luv! Roxanne 🙂
Enjoyed the post, and the photos! I do the headstand (and shoulderstand) daily myself, so I am used to seeing the world from a different perspective.
Love this:
“When I was weaning my children and they woke in the night crying for me, I knew they were not hungry but just wanted the comfort of my presence. So from my bed, I sent my energy to them, wrapped it around them and hugged them close. Soon after they stopped crying and went peacefully back to sleep. Your energy is yours to command, and it can be anywhere you choose for it to be.”
Great reminder. Thanks!