On January 11, 2012 our beloved dog Sam, passed away. He had been sick for some months but insisted on living life to the fullest even though his condition was quite serious. But quite suddenly, he just couldn’t do it anymore. He was tired and ready to go.
He died in the morning around 11:00. That afternoon I had to deliver some things to a town an hour and a half away. On the long drive I started reflecting on Sam, his life and death, and mourning his passing. I know that animals take on some of their human’s issues, and I was afraid that perhaps Sam had gotten sick and died because he had taken on too much. I was angry that pets thought they had to play this role and sacrifice for us, and the more I thought about it the angrier I got.
I realized that my grief was certainly fueling my anger, and that there was probably much I didn’t understand about it all. So I decided to connect to my soul and ask about why our pets take on our issues when it is not in their best interest.
As I was trying to get in touch with my soul, I sensed Sam’s energy insistently trying to get my attention. When I turned my focus to him, he told me very clearly that I should be talking to him about these matters, and not to my soul or anybody else.
And he had a lot to say.
He said that pets’ ability to take on their human’s issues and release them through sickness and even death is not a sacrifice, but rather a service that they gladly provide, not because they have to, but because they want to, because they love us. This is their job. They are good at it, they know they are good at it, and they enjoy doing it. Begrudging a pet this job is like being angry that a midwife is deprived of her sleep because a laboring mother gives birth in the middle of the night.
He also assured me that pets can take on only those things that are ready to be released but are stuck for some reason. They can’t interfere with the soul’s purpose for itself. But where they can offer assistance they are glad to do it.
As for death, Sam said they don’t see it as the tragedy we do. They know it is just a part of the circle of life, and that they can reincarnate back into the same family if they want to. And because pets live much shorter lives, it is easier for a pet to reincarnate back into a human’s life than the other way around. (He told me he definitely wanted to come back, but we needed to give him some time before we started to look for him.)
He also talked about the change in people’s relationships to their pets in the last couple of decades. Pets today are more a part of the family, are recognized as important beings in their own right, and are given much more love and attention than previously. As people have become more attached to their pets, pets are much more able to serve in many different ways.
“The more you love us, the more you love yourselves, for we are part of you.”
For more on energy and energy reality, see my book “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, available on Amazon, at local bookstores and on my website: wwwtransformationalexpansion.com
Dear Bev,
A wonderful blog that I am sending to a number of people who either have pets or are animal whisperers. Thank you so much.
Thank you Brenda. It was a deeply moving experience.
Thank-you, Sam, for the gifts you gave, and for your wisdom…
This is beautiful and moving! A good reminder to know that our animal friends are all powerful beings in their own right–with their own agendas 🙂 So sorry for your loss…but what a gift Sam gave you!