With the killing of a major Iranian general, the world is now on edge, fearing that retaliation and revenge will be the only outcome. We are now seeing on the world stage the consequences of a worldview that believes in Hammurabi’s Code, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. If you do a bad thing to me, I will do a bad thing to you.
To meet violence with violence is a normal, natural human response. But . . . . Is it effective?
At the very least, this event will make the Iranian general into a martyr, turning the Iranian people (who had been demonstrating for democracy) against the US, and against internal reforms.
Hammurabi’s Code is thousands of years old. Experience and common sense have led most of the world to move beyond the “eye for an eye” approach. But obviously there are holdouts who need to be convinced.
Whether in our daily lives or in the world at large, we must stop meeting violence with violence, and there is no better teacher than the president of the United States when it comes to showing everyone on Earth what NOT to do and why NOT to do it.
There is reason to be hopeful because even in the midst of this danger, and in fact, because of it, all the world can see that this approach is not only ineffective, but highly dangerous.
While the world may seem like a mess right now, that’s because it is in the midst of incredible changes energetically. Human consciousness is changing for the better, believe it or not. We are becoming more compassionate, more intuitive and more connected, and this energetic change in awareness is affecting everything around us, even our physical reality.
When we remodel our house, we know we will have to put up with weeks, if not months or years of chaos in our immediate environment. You can’t redo the kitchen without removing everything that’s already there, no matter how disruptive or inconvenient.
What a mess!
But we put up with the chaos because we can imagine the finished product, dream about it, and delight in it.
In the same way, we can focus on the future and seek out the buried stories that tell us that positive changes are already happening.
For example, in the last few decades world poverty has decreased 70%. Third world countries that were once struggling for existence have benefited greatly from micro loans, reforestation efforts and many organizations trying to revamp charity programs to empower people to take care of themselves rather than simply take handouts.
The energy around environmental survival and democratic participation has intensified greatly. There are thousands of people worldwide working in their own area developing many new and innovative ideas for sustainable living. Again, with all the political chaos, these things barely get noticed. Along with new ideas, there has been a tremendous upsurge in grass roots movements centered around climate awareness, voter motivation, economic and political inequality, and the empowerment of women and people of color.
There is reason to be hopeful because beyond the mess will come a different world, one that is already changing for the better underneath the radar.
There is much anxiety today because things seem to be happening so quickly. We seem to be rocketing from one scandal and/or disaster to another without having time to assimilate or reflect. This fact is also indicative of the major changes affecting us all. Not only are major world events coming at a greater pace, but public opinion is also showing a much greater ability to change in a much shorter time frame. In the last few years, public opinion in the US has changed drastically concerning marriage equality, marijuana legalization, a public health insurance option, climate change and many more things that only a few years ago were not even on the table.
There is reason to be hopeful because things are changing quickly, (but perhaps more quickly than is comfortable).
Anxiety also comes from feeling despair in the midst of so many problems. But we are not helpless. Before any physical changes can happen, we must create the energetic template. We can help the process by using our imaginations to create solutions and then energetically project them out into the world to be experienced and manifested. The more solutions floated and the more people floating them, the greater the probability they will turn into reality.
There is reason to be hopeful because we can help.
Remember that the energy of fear and the energy of excitement are basically the same, they just sit at opposite ends of one energy spectrum. Think about riding a roller coaster and feel how the possibility of danger actually enhances the excitement of the experience. When fear and anxiety loom, stop for a moment and move to excitement instead.
There is reason to be hopeful because we don’t have to be negatively affected by chaos. We can choose our response.
So, buckle up, take a deep breath and enjoy the ride.
You can learn more about the energy realm in my book, “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, found on Amazon, and on my website, www.transformationalexpansion.com.
What a hopeful take on the world situation. It makes me think more positively about some extremely negative events, Bev.