Normally we use the term “synergy” to describe the synchronized energy created by a group of people working harmoniously toward a common goal. But “synergy” can also be used to describe the synchronized energy among cells working together to create health in the human body.
Although we think we have very little conscious control over our physical bodies, we now know from quantum physics that consciousness does affect energy. This means that creating synergy in your body can be accomplished by your conscious intention, and that the condition of energy relationships in your body can impact your physical well being.
All the cells in your body, including your DNA, have energy fields around them. When these fields overlap, they share information. This is how your DNA communicates instructions so that all the cells know what they are supposed to do. When all the cells in your body are working together harmoniously toward the greater good of the whole, you enjoy perfect health.
I call this kind of energy “quantum synergy” because it is synergy operating on a energetic level in living things and can be viewed as the equivalent of “quantum entanglement” in the inorganic field of quantum physics. Quantum entanglement is the energetic principle that connects all things on the subatomic level.
But “entanglement” is an unfortunate choice of words when trying to understand how energy behavior creates health and well being in the human body. The word “entanglement” implies something that is knotting or snarled, that is, held together in unfortunate or inefficient ways. Although we may have many “entanglements” in our bodies and in our lives, the goal of health is to consciously unravel these entanglements and replace them with harmonious energetic relationships, whether between the cells in our body or in our relationships with friends and family.
If synergy among cells describes complete health, then disease and physical discomfort must come from a breakdown of harmony somewhere in the system. Why would this happen?
Your body is also a part of your soul, which is in constant communication with your cells and DNA. So you could say that your body is part of your soul’s communication system. When your actions, attitude, or beliefs become out of phase with your greater good, that misalignment often shows up in your body in the form of disease or discomfort. But the good news is that the symptoms or area of discomfort are also part of the soul’s communication system and are designed to give you clues as to why the misalignment may be occurring.
For example, when I was in graduate school, I was often sick with a cold or the flu. So I asked myself what these symptoms might be trying to tell me. I noticed that when I had a cold, my senses shut down. I couldn’t smell or taste, my eyes were often watery and my sinuses plugged up so that my hearing was not as good as usual. Since our physical senses take in information from our environment, I wondered if my body was trying to tell me that I was on information overload, and needed to shut down and take a break from my hectic schedule.
So I decided to conduct an experiment. At that time I was not married and had no children, thus no real responsibilities other than to myself. So whenever I felt those pre-cold sensations (when I knew a cold was coming on), I would retreat to my room, shut the door, and declare a mental health day. I’d take a warm bath, relax on my bed, nap and read novels or magazines for a whole day. And guess what? The next day I’d feel great and the cold never materialized.
I continued to follow this ritual with great results until I got married and had children. When my kids were young and I could no longer indulge in this kind of behavior, I was sick often. Now that they are grown and on their own, I can once again take care of myself, and, as long as I do, I no longer get colds.
Cancer is another disease that is fairly straightforward when viewed metaphorically. In cancer the quantum synergy of the body breaks down to such an extent that large groups of cells disregard the good of the whole and go off on their own. Usually the kind of cancer and its location in the body will give clues as to what the problem may be. When I had cancer it affected my face and jaw, and thus my ability to speak and appear in public. It was trying to tell me I needed to leave my job in academia and search out a new profession.
Once we become more accustomed to our souls’ little pokes and prods, that is, those niggling feelings that something’s not going well or doesn’t feel right, it’s not as necessary for the soul to speak through the body in such a dramatic way. Pain and disease are the communications of last resort because they almost always get our attention.
When we are really busy and/or under lots of stress, we don’t have time to tune into our body or feel into our energy field. Stress itself is an energy full of friction and conflict because it usually has to do with trying to meet someone else’s expectations, or because we have conflicting expectations of ourselves. When you feel into the energy of stress you can understand how easily it can disrupt the natural energy flow of your body.
The best way to assess the quantum synergy (or its absence) in your physical energy body is to feel into it every day. Giving yourself quiet time, engaging in meditation, yoga, conscious breathing and exercise have long been touted as healthy practices, but understanding the necessity of harmonious energy relationships in your body and the role you have in promoting them, underscores how much your conscious choices affect your health.
What does quantum synergy feel like? It feels like a C chord played by a full orchestra. It feels like a walk in a maple woods on a bright fall day. It feels like a hot shower after a hard workout. You’ll know it when you’re there. So take time for yourself and FEEL.
Dear friend… you posts are INCREDIBLY good!
Thank you.
Thank you Olivia. I am honored by your support and gratitude