One of the most difficult aspects of living multi-dimensionally is getting used to the idea that the rules of the physical world and the rules of the energy dimension are not only different, but in most cases, completely opposite.
Even if we’ve never studied Classical physics we all understand the rules of the physical world because we’ve experienced them first hand all our lives.
1. Physical objects are discrete and contained, and occupy a set space that can be located and measured three dimensionally. In other words, I can tell you the position of any given object by describing it in terms of its location in time and space, and I can predict the position of any object in motion by knowing the rate of force used in making it change positions.
2. Physical objects are separate from one another with a void in between. All material objects have obvious physical boundaries that make them easily distinguishable from the space around them. This space between objects means that objects don’t influence one another unless they are touching or otherwise physically, mechanically or electronically connected.
3. Time only goes in one direction, can be measured objectively, and is the same for everyone.
4. Stasis is the normal state of things and change happens only through cause and effect with the addition of some kind of force. The chair in your living room will stay in place unless something (you, an earthquake, etc.) exerts enough force to cause it to move.
5. Human consciousness observes a fixed reality that can be changed through force and cause and effect, but is otherwise stable. Therefore we assume that we can observe reality objectively and that it will remain the same during this objective process.
6. The emphasis on absolute duality (bad vs good, for example) in the physical world makes it imperative for opposites to attract each other in order to affect some kind of balance. We see evidence of this in energy that comes from physical matter like electricity, where opposite poles attract, and also in human interaction where males and females are usually attracted to one another.
7. Physical resources are limited. There is only so much land, only so much water, only so much oil, etc., etc., etc. Therefore the more I have, the less there is left for everyone else.
We live with these rules ingrained in our being, very much like a fish lives in water. The fish knows no other environment, and neither do we.
Until now.
The rules of the energy dimension as they pertain to human beings, human interaction with others and with the environment have not been fully understood yet. But we can correlate personal experience with information from quantum physics and other emerging scientific discoveries, and begin to make some fairly accurate assumptions about the rules of the energy dimension.
1. Energy is not discrete and cannot be located in time and space, nor measured in the same way physical objects can. Energy has no boundaries and can permeate objects. Therefore prediction is not possible. With energy we can only talk in terms of probabilities.
2. Energy connects rather than separates. For example, although the human energy field seems to have layers of density that can be measured, as this energy extends outward and density lessens, human energy seems to be able to permeate everything and extend almost infinitely, connecting us to everyone and everything. In quantum physics this phenomena is called “quantum entanglement”.
3. In the energy dimension time is not linear and may, in fact, be nonexistent, with all things happening simultaneously. After entering the energy dimension, it is possible to speed time or slow it down consciously (to avoid being late for an important event, for example). Dangerous or traumatic experiences may trigger this experience also, as in when you are in the middle of a car accident and time seems to slow enough to allow you to figure out how to save yourself.
4. Although the physical world appears to be a place of stasis, the energetic world is completely the opposite. Energy is in constant motion with virtual particles popping in and out all the time, and probabilities changing every time anyone makes a choice different than what they would usually make. In the energetic dimension, choice and/or intention take the place of force, and synchronicity replaces cause and effect. In the energy world, force is not only inappropriate, but counterproductive.
5. Intention takes the place of force in the energetic world because consciousness does have an effect on reality. We know from quantum physics that human consciousness plays a role in the outcome of experiments. That’s why all drug testing today must be done with double blind experiments where neither the patients nor the technicians know who is getting the placebo and who is getting the drug. Human consciousness and human choice in particular, change probabilities on the energy level that then affect the outcome of what happens next in the physical world.
6. In the energy world, it is not opposites that attract but similarities. This is because of the underlying unity that comes about as a result of energy entrainment that causes a bonding of two harmonious or synchronized energy fields.
7. And finally, energy is not finite, but rather is unlimited. We don’t have to steal energy from others because we can generate our own through laughter, play and loving ourselves. We can also just breathe it in whenever we need it. It is always available to create and play with. We learn how to use it by understanding and applying the vastly different rules that govern it.
This does not mean the rules of the physical world are obsolete or unnecessary. We are physical beings as well as energetic beings. The rules of the physical realm are still necessary to keep us safe and to help us interact with our material surroundings. But we are now beginning to understand that these two realms can exist side by side in our lives if we are adventurous enough to open our perception to include both of them.
While learning and using the rules of the energy dimension may seem daunting, knowing when and under what circumstances they would be most effective and appropriate is perhaps an even greater challenge. Nonetheless, the rewards are more than worth it.
For more on energy and the energy realm, see my book, , It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality, available on Amazon, at local bookstores and on my website,
Love your insights friend. Hug!