Meditation: (On creating a New Earth)
I took my leave of Emmanuel (New Earth: Farming), wishing him well in his work, and took the road away from the farm. Eventually I came to a lovely stone house tucked away in the trees. There was a man in a uniform working in the flower beds in the front of the house. I explained who I was and asked him if he would talk to me. I assumed he was the gardener.

He was not a gardener. He was a walk-in who had been a famous general on Earth. Here he is the visionary member of a think tank that is trying to adapt the tactics of war to become strategies for peace.
“How in the world can you do that?” I said.
He explained that war was very much about understanding the psychology of groups in order to take advantage of others, steal resources from them and dis-empower them through destruction and degradation.
“It’s all about psyching the other side out, figuring out what they are going to do, when they are going to do it, and most importantly, why they are going to do it, in other words, what is important to them. What’s important to them may not be the same thing that’s important to you, but in order to wage war successfully, you have to understand how your enemy thinks, and what’s emotionally important to them, both consciously and unconsciously.
Waging peace, conflict resolution and empowering others is also about the psychology of groups, but reversed. Instead of dis-empowering groups, peace depends on honoring others and respecting their differences. But you can’t do that unless you understand those differences and what makes them important to the people involved. ”
“If the idea is to have a peaceful planet, why then, does it need a military?” I asked.
He said that the military here is very different than the military on Old Earth. Officers must have extensive education in psychology and anthropology as well as a keen passion for serving the well-being of the planet. They are responsible for in depth understanding of every culture on the globe. Consequently the military here is not divided according to how they travel (land, sea, air) but rather by the cultural groups they’re working with. Officers must study the history, literature and religion of the region they represent, and must speak many of the languages. They are also required to spend time in the culture in a rather menial capacity for a certain period of time in order to ground their understanding.
“Enlisted personnel are taught how to defend themselves in case they are ever in danger, but most of their training revolves around learning how to solve specific problems stemming from lack of resources, poor or negative cultural identity, and personal misunderstandings. They are taught how to solve problems from a cultural perspective, using native materials and labor. Rather than assuming by simple observation what the problems are, they are taught how to work with cultural groups to find out what these groups think the problems are, and what local resources could help solve them.
The goal is to empower the group by encouraging and supporting the local solution of problems in a way that is deemed appropriate by the people concerned. In honoring and respecting the culture, the people themselves begin to value their cultural heritage and believe in themselves and their nation as a valuable part of the world community.”
I was surprised to hear that New Earth had nations and cultural groups. On old Earth, the internet and international travel is making cultural diversity almost a thing of the past. I asked the general why New Earth even had different cultures. I assumed that achieving a peaceful planet would be easier with just one culture.
He laughed and said that diversity was absolutely necessary in order to have a vibrant, thriving planet. Instead of discouraging diversity, those working on the design of New Earth encourage and support as much diversity as possible. Diverse populations have developed different gifts and talents and ways of thinking that are all necessary in working together to solve global problems and maintain a thriving global economy.
“For example, people living in a rain forest environment develop cultural knowledge of healing plants that are only found in rain forests. If these people start living in cities and work at 9 -5 jobs, that cultural lifestyle and the knowledge that goes with it is lost. All habitable planets have diverse ecosystems and geography. There must be diverse cultural adaptation to each of these conditions, and with that adaptation comes different experiences which offer solutions to many kinds of problems. The key is to get all people on the planet to celebrate cultural diversity instead of vilify it.”
He also explained that New Earth is similar to Old Earth in its national and political boundaries. Each nation has its own military, but that military is mostly concerned with boundary issues and national neighborhood concerns. Economics is a huge cause of national tensions, so economic issues are an important part of the military’s focus. For example, the US military on New Earth is very focused on the economic empowerment of Mexico as way of preventing illegal immigration and drug problems.
“There is also a global military, chosen from the best minds and most dedicated military personnel from all national military. This group is more focused on economic and cultural empowerment in regions with trouble spots. But again, the goal is to honor cultural identity and help each culture empower itself to the point where mutual honor and respect can replace old grievances and resentment. This global military is also tasked with encouraging more developed nations to stop exploiting and disrespecting less developed nations. Each has much to learn from the other.
The goal of the global military on New Earth is to have each cultural group and/or nation be able to make a decent and sustainable living while maintaining and celebrating their own cultural heritage and identity. For some people and cultures, this means living the fast paced city life, and for others it means a leisurely life centered on the land and extended family. All choices are honored. All choices are needed.”
The General concluded by saying that the military on New Earth is a vital and important part of the planet. It still acts as a place for young people to find their place in the adult world by serving their country and their planet. It still offers protection to the people it serves. The difference is that this service no longer commands protection through learned violence, but rather offers security through learned understanding and global cooperation.
My head was now reeling from all this new information, so I thanked the general for this amazing conversation and got ready to move on. I told him I hoped we could float some of these potentials on old Earth as well.
For more on the energy realm, see my book, It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, available on Amazon, in local bookstores and on my website: