A dimension is a level of awareness that helps us understand reality and our relationship to it. Just like there is more than one dimension in physical reality, there is also more than one in energetic reality.
Take dreaming, for example. Dreaming is part of energy reality, and while we might classify dreaming itself as a single dimension, most of us would agree that there are many different kinds or levels of dreaming. Three kinds I can think of immediately are dreaming about mundane things that happened recently in real life, deeply personal dreams that have some sort of important symbolic information for personal and spiritual growth, and impersonal dreams that seem to convey new and different information for humanity.
A couple of years ago, I began to have dreams in this third category. In these dreams it seems I am exploring an alternate world, a sort of New Earth that is very similar to this Earth in every way, but with different and very creative approaches to many of the problems and issues we have here. These dreams are unpredictable in that I never know when they will come, but when they do, they are unforgettable and stay with me until I have the time to write them down (unlike most dreams that fade quickly if not immediately transcribed).
After having a number of these dreams, I wondered if I could revisit this amazing place in meditation, just by setting my intention to go there. This is also possible. I simply enter a trance state and allow my imagination to take me to this alternative reality while I observe what I see and ask questions about what is in front of me to whomever I happen to meet.
Both these methods (dream and trance meditation), yield interesting information. The dreams are mostly experiential with some dialogue to help me understand what’s going on. In dreams I learn through feeling and being inside the experience just as if I am living on New Earth myself. The meditations, by contrast, are less experiential and have more dialogue as the main means of acquiring information. Here I am more of a visitor and learn from my own observations as well as from the experience of people living in this alternative reality.
I call this series of dreams and meditations New Earth Chronicles, and because of the urging of friends and colleagues, have decided to share them from time to time here on my blog. Here is the first installment.
New Earth – The Healing Center
I arrived at the Healing Center in a state of exhaustion. I had very little awareness, as if some trauma had befallen me that had wiped out my ability to be conscious of anything but my own pain. But I had no physical pain, just numbness.
My first awareness of the Center was that it was like a school, where I was asked to do some cognitive tasks. But eventually a man sat me down and said I should see a house mother in order to get a room at the Center. He started outlining the house mother on paper for me which consisted of images that conveyed both her healing presence and her own woundedness and vulnerability. I was surprised at this.
Then I was taken on a tour of the facilities. We walked down a large hall like corridor with adjoining structures on both sides. Each unit had a front door and two windows on either side with a small deck opening off the second floor. There were also box-like compartments only waist high that had benches around the sides where you could enter to be with others in healing communion.
Some of these box-like structures were in water. I entered one of these with the man who was escorting me and met another man already in the enclosure. Both of these men seemed very familiar to me although I cannot place or name them. They seemed very safe and comforting. They held me between them in the water and let me bathe in their warmth and healing energy. I became aware that the water was now filled with golden bubbles and they told me that these bubbles were there to heal also. The energy of love and healing from both the men and the bubbles was exquisite.
I felt myself coming to life again.
After a bit, one man said he needed to go swim in the bubbles and left. I became aware that the other man needed me to hold him just as he had been holding me. So we changed places and I was able to hold him in my healing presence. I realized that both of these men were also wounded and vulnerable, and that everyone here was both a healer and a healee at the same time.
As I moved around this healing facility, I saw many people in various stages of pain and trauma and others who had emerged to provide a strong and compassionate healing presence, but who also still needed healing from time to time. I saw many national leaders here dealing with their own inner wounds.
The most important feeling I took with me from this experience is that we are all powerful and vulnerable at the same time. We are all healers and we all need healing too. This place was expressly created to allow both those things to exist side by side. There was no one in authority, only those who knew how to assuage pain because they had been there too.
This, of course, is everyone.
For more on the energy realm, see my book, It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, available on Amazon, in local bookstores and on my website: www.transformationalexpansion.com
Hi Bev, that was beautiful! I have been having visions of a future place, but mine are almost all outdoors and I am just enjoying the beauty of nature. My own understanding of healing is that anyone who comes to you for healing is reflecting an area where you are in need of healing yourself.
Ram Dass said that you should only go to a therapist or counselor if that person was clear that there weren’t 2 people in the room, but only One. How wonderful to have that understood by everyone in the future.