We all have days, (or sometimes weeks or months or even years), when things don’t go right, when we wonder why all this is happening, and hope things will straighten out soon. It seems we have no control, and that, in itself, is one of the worst parts about it.
But there is a way we can help ourselves, even though it’s a little different than what we might think. Let me start with a story that demonstrates what I want to say far better than I could explain it.
Many years ago, I was planning a move cross-country to take my first “real” professional job. I was living in the city and didn’t own a car. Because of the move, I needed a car. Not having a lot of money, the car I chose needed work.
In Cambridge, Massachusetts, where I lived at the time, there was a very unusual mechanic shop. It was a DIY place where you rented space, tools and the help of expert mechanics in order to fix your own car. The mechanics coached you along, but if there was something you couldn’t or didn’t want to do yourself, you could hire them to fix it for you. I took my new (old) car there and quickly had it in good running order.
While I was working on my car, I noticed that the big warehouse space where everyone worked had one walled-off bay where there were walls on three sides. Every once in a while, the owner of the garage would put one of his customers in this space.
I had become friends with the owner, a very interesting guy who had a Ph. D. from Harvard. I hung out with him a lot while there because he had different and insightful perspectives on many subjects. So, one day I asked him why he put some people in the bay while everyone else used the open space.
He told me that there were some people who just couldn’t fix cars. Their energy field was too incoherent and full of friction, and this characteristic meant they usually made things even worse when they tried to work on their cars. Sometimes they even created situations so dangerous they could hurt others nearby. That’s why he put them in the back bay with its protective walls.
I was astonished and asked him how in the world he knew that certain people were like this when they were perfect strangers. He told me he could tell immediately by the feel of their energy.
At first I didn’t believe him. It was my first exposure to anyone talking about the human energy field and I was highly skeptical.
But as I observed the people he put in the bay, I saw the truth in what he said. Nearly everyone assigned to that space not only couldn’t fix their cars, but created many more problems than they came in with, usually because they became impatient, irritable and/or angry at the slightest problem.
My friend told me that these emotions create friction that affects the personal energy field as well as the energy around particular spaces and projects. When cars don’t have enough oil to run smoothly, the friction created causes parts to break down and stop working. In the same way, an over-abundance of chronic negative emotions interferes with whatever people are doing, creating all kinds of extra problems and roadblocks.
Although I didn’t understand at the time, I now know he was referring to the energetic law that “like energy attracts like energy”. When people allow anger, frustration and irritability to dominate their fields, it creates friction, which attracts more of the same which, in turn, affects everything around them. This means that the more anger, frustration and irritability you allow in your life, the more things are bound to go wrong.
When we go through times in our lives that are tougher than most, and we feel we have no control over what is happening to us, it is easy to become anxious, grouchy and pessimistic. While this response is natural and normal, it is not helpful. It almost always guarantees that even more things will go wrong.
This is when it is important to take some deep breaths and ground, remembering that we all have the ability to choose our thoughts even though our feelings may try to pull us in another direction. Our main purpose on Earth is to experience life, in all its many nooks and crannies. All experience has wisdom embedded in it, even if it’s not apparent at the time.
Just the act of grounding can put you in touch with intuitive perception, giving you hints or insights into why certain things are happening. Often what you thought was terrible, could be telling you something important. For example, when my computer freezes up, and I remember to ground rather than swear, I realize how badly I need a break. When I come back later, the computer has almost always fixed itself.
The same is true for health concerns. Fighting sickness and/or chronic pain by getting frustrated, anxious and irritable, will only make it worse. If these emotions cause chaos in the energy around you, imagine what they are doing to your body.
Bodily symptoms often contain important information if we pause and reflect on the symbolism and what it might mean. This information could be crucial in how the future unfolds. If we just trust our body to heal itself, and trust that we can solve our problems even if we don’t know how at the time, things usually get better in short order.
The condition of your personal energy field also affects mass consciousness (believe it or not). Right now, the whole world (and especially the US) is experiencing much chaos. While it might seem difficult not to get swept up in the anxiety, polarization and feelings of desperation that pervade the general landscape, your personal choice does have an impact and can either make things more difficult or help smooth the way for others.
There can be true beauty in the negative, but only if we look for it and choose accordingly.
“Bad” things happen to “good” people because “bad” things happen to everyone, and are most often a prelude to something much better. It’s just part of life experience. There is no such thing as “good” or “bad” people, so “bad” things happening to you just makes you normal. We can choose how we respond however, knowing that how we respond can make a big difference in what comes next.
It doesn’t have to get worse.
You can learn more about the energy realm in my book, “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, found on Amazon, and on my website, www.transformationalexpansion.com.
As always, I appreciate your perspective and wisdom in the realms of energy. You help to deepen my understanding and broaden my choices. Thanks.
Thanks Barb. You comments mean a lot to me.
This is phenomenal, and it makes perfect sense!! Thank you for broadening my horizons. You are amazing!
You are so very welcome Janet!