The title of this blog is Multi-dimensional Living. In offering this blog I wanted to share my experiences in bringing heaven down to earth, to demonstrate that we can simultaneously be aware of, and experience both the physical and energetic (spiritual) dimensions at the same time.
While I know this is possible and have experienced it often (what I write about here), I have begun to realize that even with this knowledge I, also, live mostly in the physical dimension, waiting patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) for energetic intrusions into my physical reality. So the question I’ve begun to wonder about recently, is how can one truly live in both dimensions at the same time, all the time?
As soon as I asked the question, the answer came to me in a flash. It is simply a choice. I know how to connect the earth and the heavens, physical reality and energy reality, through my consciousness. Because I have practiced and experienced this process so many times, I can reproduce these feelings any time, anywhere, by just remembering that I have this ability.
I can enter energy reality by sitting in meditation, pulling my energy back to me (centering) by breathing into the center part of me. Then, on the out-breath, I breath that energy down my body out into the earth (grounding) where it connects with all things physical. As I breath in again, I breath energy up from the Earth, both my own, that has just been harmonized and purified by the Earth, and more if I choose, that the Earth gives freely. I breath this energy through my heart center where it expands exponentially, then out the top of my head, where it explodes into the universe, connecting me to all things.
This process produces a feeling I call resonance, where I can feel my personal energy field vibrating at a higher frequency and expanding out in all directions. I then experience a connection not just to both the earth and the heavens simultaneously, but to everything else in the universe. In this state my heart is full of honor and respect for all life and even for the plant and mineral kingdoms. Each second is filled with wonder at my immediate physical surroundings. I am overflowing with gratitude for my physical body and the physical experiences available to me: the soft touch of a loved one, the wonderful tastes of good food, the beauty of the land I live on, and even the intense smells of my immediate environment which include dog farts and newly spread fresh manure from a neighboring farm. They also include the deep depression and mourning that comes from nursing a dying pet. These experiences are rich and diverse and only available here on earth.
Yet at the same time I am connected to the heavens, the energetic realm and the entire multiverse, and with that connection comes incredible trust in my own soul and its co-creation with the universe. All anxiety subsides and I can bask in the sure knowledge that all is well no matter what life circumstances and mass consciousness throw at me. In this state every breath is a wonder, every sensation savored and every thought replaced with the infinite love and wisdom of my soul.
All this is available to me through choice. Having the ability to do something, yet expecting it to happen automatically doesn’t work. It is up to me to make that connection and live in it as much as I choose.
I know this realization will not prevent me from lapsing into the familiar comfort of the physical world most of the time. It takes courage and stamina to move out of the familiar into something new no matter how many benefits the new has to offer. But now I know I need not wait around for it to happen. Instead, it is solely up to me to choose when, where and how I have this experience . It is all within my power, and with choice, commitment and practice, it is in yours as well.
For more on energy and energy reality, see my book “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, available on Amazon, at local bookstores and on my website:
Elaborating and dialoguing about these subjects is just what this blog is about. I would love to dialogue with you on whatever you choose.
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