Do you ever wonder why our pets love us so unconditionally? I’m amazed by how much my dog worships me. It’s almost embarrassing. So I dismiss it as something weird about dogs and question no more. But my daughter’s cat adores her too. Hmmmmm??? Maybe they know something we don’t.
We dismiss our pets’ love for us because they are, after all, just “dumb” animals, a product of the natural world without the cognitive ability to know what sh**s we really are.
But that’s just it! They ARE a product of the natural world and as such, a reflection of it. Perhaps they are trying to tell us that the natural world, and in fact, the whole of the omniverse, loves us unconditionally, just as our pets do. Once animals establish an energetic bond with a human, they take on a sacred responsibility to show us the unconditional love and high esteem all creation has for us.
Like all sentient beings our pets participate in the polarity of the physical world. They learn as young animals what is dangerous and what is not. But they don’t seem to put polarity in absolute boxes like humans do. They never judge, but instead use discernment. They keep away from us when we are angry, but never waver in their love, coming back the minute we calm down.
We humans, on the other hand, have pushed polarity to its limits, requiring judgment rather than discernment. We place things on one side or the other, good or bad, black or white, and these categories then become absolute. We then apply these judgments to ourselves, as well as to others.
We strive to be “good” but know we fall short on many counts. So we either hide this knowledge from ourselves, or shame ourselves in hope of getting rid of the offending characteristics or behavior. In order to be “good”, we cannot love or value anything that is flawed, which includes ourselves.
What if good and bad were not absolutes? What if this was something we just made up because it was easier that way? What if our brains and consciousness were now developed enough to recognize duality as only a mental concept, not part of an absolute reality?
Our souls, just like our pets, know that polarity is just a tool to help keep us safe in the physical world. The ability to discern opposites was never meant to freeze them into the stiff boxes our emotions seem to demand.
Most of us rely on other humans to give us value and self worth. If others think we are “good” or “valuable” or “worthy”, then we might dare to think so too. But don’t forget, most other people see duality as absolute too. Other humans are extremely unreliable as reflections of love and value. What they give they can also take away. Deep down we know this, so we can never get enough love and esteem from other humans. When we learn to love and value ourselves, no one can strip that from us.
The unconditional love of your dog or cat is not strange or unusual or to be marveled at. Their esteem is a reflection of a higher reality they know instinctively. Learn to see yourself through their eyes. You are a whole person with many facets, each with its own blessings and curses. This is what it means to be human. These facets are what you must have to experience all of physical life in its entirety.
Our pets are here to remind us that the universe loves and values us just for being courageous enough to come to Earth and struggle with all the challenges physical life presents. We are loved and cherished just for being here. Pets know this and reflect it back to us everyday. They are our furry teachers.
You can learn more about the energy realm in my book, “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, found on Amazon, and on my website,
I love the red outfit on your dog. Everyone should start out their day by reading this blog! Connie Andraschko