Money is simply a tangible symbol of energy, and as such, an extension of each of our energy bodies. So what we believe and how we approach life very much determines how we attract abundance.
Many years ago I learned this first hand. After moving to a new state and not being able to find a job, my abundance was at an all time low. My husband and I had no jobs and two very small children to support. I never knew whether we would have enough to pay the bills.
After battling this situation for a number of years, I finally realized that I had one basic belief that was stopping the flow completely. Deep down inside I believed that it was not possible to be spiritual and abundant at the same time – the rich man and the needle thing.
But even then, I was beginning to see the world as energy. Once I uncovered this deep-seated belief about abundance and spirituality, I was able to look at the situation energetically and see that energy is infinitely available, and my being abundant would in no way affect the potential abundance of others or my ability to grow in awareness and grace. In fact, exactly the opposite was true. My being abundant could inspire others to change their belief systems and open themselves to abundance as well.
As soon as I changed my beliefs, my financial situation changed as well. I went from poverty level to financially comfortable almost immediately with little effort and much professional gratification. And as the years passed I became even more comfortable and completely debt free.
But I still have to manage my money carefully and juggle things when there are large bills to pay. Remaining debt free is a challenge. I still have to save for vacations or dip into retirement money. I drive a thirteen-year-old car and have no plans for a new one, and would only buy used even if I did want to replace it.
So I began to wonder about being more than comfortable. I have what I need, but there are many things I would like to do or have that I don’t allow myself. Would it be possible to be wildly abundant rather than just comfortable? Could it be possible to buy a first class airplane ticket or a new car without completely depleting my bank account?
So I asked my soul to help out on this. What is holding me back? What other beliefs or attitudes or behaviors lie under this “only so much and no more” block I seem to have? And, as usual, my soul presented an answer – not in words, but in experience.
I was in my garden yesterday harvesting beans. The weather here has been extremely hot and dry. The farmers are loosing their corn crop and there is no hay to harvest for winter. Most people’s gardens are suffering because it takes so much time and effort to water, if, in fact, water is available.
But I have been blessed with a great garden this year. I have a good irrigation system that has been working quite well, so my garden is bursting at the seams. The beans are very prolific, but the prospect of harvesting them seemed quite daunting when I realized how many there were.
“D#*n these beans”, I said to myself. “It’s going to take forever to harvest them and then I still have to freeze or can. When am I going to do this?What a lot of work!”
Then it dawned on me just exactly what I was saying. “I just want only so much, no more. I want only what I need right now, any more is a burden.”
Where was my gratitude for being blessed with this abundance? Where was my appreciation for what I had created? Even if I didn’t want to do the work of canning and freezing, I could give away or sell my extras, and in so doing, share my abundance with friends and neighbors who are really lacking this year.
Gratitude opens our hearts and allows abundance to come in. I wondered how many times have I been presented with abundance only to wish it away? How many times have I forgotten that abundance is more than money, and that money is simply a symbol of what else is going on in my life.
I also remembered back when the lottery was so high and everyone was madly buying tickets. I didn’t buy a ticket because I thought having all that money would be a pain. Friends and relatives would besiege me. Managing it would take time and energy and would be a terrible distraction. And worst of all, would I judge my own value by how much money I had? I didn’t really want that responsibility or temptation.
In the midst of the beans, I realized that I still have a very conflicted view of abundance. It’s not that either of these positions is wrong. There is nothing wrong with just being comfortable and not wanting any other distractions or responsibilities. The question is, what do I really want now? Do I really want to expand myself and meet these added responsibilities and challenges?
Can I rejoice in gratitude for whatever abundance I create and open myself to even more?
This is a question I need to consider, and I cannot now tell you what I will decide.
But I will let you know.
What about you?
For more on energy and energy reality, see my book “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, available on Amazon, at local bookstores and on my website:
Yes indeed, Beverly! I am ready to gratefully accept a lot more abundance than I “need.”
And, I am ready to allow Grace to handle those “added responsibilities and challenges.” It always does, when I give it a chance.
So true
Thanks, Bev, and you too John. Your comment about grace was timely. I also had an insight on abundance recently – I realized that I LOVE money and I have been ashamed and rejecting that aspect of myself. Only an evil or greedy person would love money – right?
But I realized that the energy of money would be much more attracted to someone who loved it and invited it in. And if I am talking about real love and not some cheap knock-off calling itself love, then I don’t need to be concerned about abusing what I love.