Your soul is always with you, and always trying to communicate – just not in words. Energetic communication often happens through symbolic and synchronistic events and circumstances. Here’s the latest example from my life.
I am a writer, and now it’s time to send a book proposal out to publishers.
This is a process accompanied by much anxiety and nail biting, since there are many components to a book proposal and each has to be carefully crafted and individualized to fit the publisher you are sending it to. It’s almost more work than writing the book in the first place, especially since there is no guarantee a publisher will even read your proposal, let alone publish your book.
Nonetheless, last Friday I was ready to go. I had a “thumbs up” from my writing coach, all the components of my proposal reviewed and edited, and everything proof read 40 thousand times. I very carefully got everything formatted for my first email submission and clicked on “send”.
OH NO! An error message!
The email wouldn’t send. To make things even worse, the whole email, attachments and all, was swallowed by the computer. It wasn’t even saved in “drafts”. It was gone. How could this have happened?
So I tried sending myself a test email and that wouldn’t send either. My email was frozen. The error message was not one I understood. I didn’t know what to do.
After having the normal meltdown anyone would have in a situation like this, I remembered to pull my energy back to me and ground. Then I began to wonder if there was more to this than just a computer problem. (When you ground, you often get insights that were not available before).
I decided to ask my soul what was going on. I got out my dowsing rod (I could have used a pendulum or any personal kinesiology technique as well), and asked if there was important information here for me. The answer was yes. Then I asked if there was something wrong with the proposal. The answer was no. Then I asked if there was something wrong with the timing. The answer was yes.
So I thought hard and a light bulb went off. The day was Friday, probably a very bad day to try to get anyone’s attention via email. So I asked whether Friday was a good day to send out submissions. The answer was no. Then I asked if Monday was the day I should send things. The answer was yes.
A few minutes later my email unfroze, and has been fine ever since.
On Monday morning I successfully submitted proposals to all chosen publishers with no problems.
Morals to the story: 1. Computers are very energy sensitive and thus good conduits for soul communication. 2. Bad things are often good things in disguise.
You can learn more about the energy realm in my book, “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, found on Amazon, and on my website,
Love it! Absolutely love it! Waaay Cool! 🙂