In the physical world we create with matter. We build houses with wood, stone or brick, we build cars with metal and plastic, we create paintings with paint and canvas. Creating in the physical world takes time and much effort. Most of the time we call it “work”.
Creating with energy is much more fun. I call it “play”, not because it is childish or inconsequential, but because it can be effortless and amazing, while at the same time producing incredible results, even in the physical world.
But how can that be? Creating without work and effort is rare, if not impossible.
Creation in the physical world does take work because the physical world is based on the perception of separation. All physical objects seem separate from one another and discrete in their own space. And physical objects are dense and heavy. Moving them physically from their natural state of stasis and rearranging them to create something new and different does take time, work and force.
In the energy realm we create with intention and imagination rather than cause and effect, and effort. Since energy has no mass and its natural state is flow or movement (rather than stasis), we don’t need to use force. We need only the slight touch of our intention to redirect and arrange in order to create a new energy field as a blueprint for our creation. (For more on how this works, see also Change vs Transformation.)
After we create this new field with our imagination, and set our intention to create it in actuality, the magic begins to happen. Everything in the world of energy is connected, but our intention charges those particular potentials (and the connections between them) needed for our intention to become reality. When we visualize ourselves with our intention already actualized, our imagination also magnetizes their connections to us, thus rearranging probabilities so that our intention can realize itself.
In order to understand how this works, it is helpful to again draw on your imagination. Close your eyes and imagine that the unseen world of energy around you has all of a sudden become visible. You might want to imagine all those unrealized potentials and possibilities as bright, iridescent sparkles of light dancing all around you. Everywhere you look the sun catches each energy facet and bounces off it in many directions, allowing you to see what appears to be waves of multicolored pixie dust shimmering and cavorting in and out of visibility.
As you become more aware of these pin points of energy, you also begin to notice even fainter lines of connection linking all of these bits of dancing light. Even when one diamond faceted point of light temporarily vanishes, you can still see the dim outline of connection showing up as a barely noticeable warp in your vision, much like a small, thin wave of heat on a highway.
Imagine these invisible connections linking everyone and everything, both people and things close to you, as well as people and things far away. This interconnected network carries and exchanges information, changes probabilities, and rearranges potentials. As you set your intention, watch how you and your choices set in motion a series of energy interactions and events that rearrange how and what can happen in the future.
When you make a new choice or set an intention, the specific probabilities needed respond by becoming brighter, and these particular bits of pixie dust erupt in a frenzy of motion, severing old connections and making new ones, rearranging probabilities and expanding possibilities within the energy waves destined to become physical reality.
When you act and feel as if your intention has already come to pass, those new connections are strengthened as your own energy field vibrates in harmony with what you intend for yourself. When you respond with gratitude and appreciation even before your intention has materialized, you increase your magnetic draw even more.
Because these points of light are interconnected, they all work together for the good of the whole. You are an important part of the whole, and as such, what is in your highest good is also in the highest good of the rest of the universe, and vice versa. This is why you don’t need to be afraid of making a wrong choice. If it’s truly not in the best interest of both you and all of creation, it won’t manifest. But if there is any way it can work for your higher good and the good of all, it will have an effect, even if that effect may not be what you expected.
This is how energy works. This is how synchronicity responds to human intention. This is how we use energy as an important tool of creation. This is how we enter the flow of the universe and take our places as a true creators.
For more on energy and the energy realm, see my book, “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, available on Amazon, in local bookstores and on my website,
Continue to love your posts. You have an amazing capacity to simplify concepts.
Thank you,
Thank you so much Olivia. I love hearing from you