There is much talk these days about creating your own reality, also known as manifesting or the law of attraction. It certainly sounds great, but to many of us, these claims feel hollow because no matter how much we try, it just doesn’t seem to work.
For me, manifesting has often worked beautifully. And at other times it doesn’t work at all. Why does it work sometimes and not others?
In the close to twenty years I have been studying, teaching and writing about the human energy field, I have learned that there are at least two very different realities that exist side by side here on Earth. One is the physical reality ruled by classical laws of physics that we are all quite familiar with. The other is the reality of the energy realm that is totally different (both in nature and laws), than the physical realm, but is very “real” nonetheless.
The energy realm is the reality made up of the kind of energy that quantum physicists study, which is also the kind of subtle energy that is found in the human energy field or “aura”. Physical reality is best explored and controlled through the mind and the left side of the brain. The energy realm is explored and experienced through the stillness, connection, and oneness that can only be accessed through the right side of the brain. Both the nature of these realities and the laws that govern them are completely different from one another.
In the physical dimension we use matter as the substance of creation. It’s primary tool is logic. It’s nature demands that we see matter as a discrete entity separate from ourselves. We use force as a necessary condition for change, and we understand cause and effect as the way change comes about.
But the nature and laws of the energy dimension are completely different. Here the substance of creation is energy. Since matter is a kind of energy, we can use energy to change even physical reality. But in order to do that, we have to step outside of physical reality into the energy realm in order to use energy laws effectively. We cannot work with energy using logic, force or cause and effect.
So how do we work with energy?
The energy dimension is accessed from the right side of the brain and its primary tool is imagination (rather than logic). So in order to create with energy we need to move outside of physical reality with our imagination (even though our body is still sitting in the chair) and enter the world of the right brain.
The world of the right brain is completely different than the left brained world we know so well. It has no language and no concept of time and space. Here we experience the fluidity of our energy body with everything flowing into everything else. We feel our interconnectedness with everything in the universe and the absolute peace that all is well, and we are loved.
It is only from this place of timeless stillness that we can begin to create reality. It is only from this place of heartfelt connection that energy heeds our call and enters into the dance of co-creation. Here we use imagination to experience fully that which we want to create (see it, smell it, taste it, feel it, hear it, etc.). We use intention in place of force, and trust that synchronicity will replace cause and effect to bring about the change, – but only if the result we intend is in the best interest of all. Then we let go, basking in that wonderful connectedness, knowing that the results will be just what they need to be.
How do we access the energy dimension? How do we move out of the left brain into the right?
We do that through entering a trance or meditative state and then moving energy into the heart center. Begin by thoughts of gratitude and appreciation for even the smallest things. Feel that energy grow and begin to connect you to everything else as well. Then drop out of thought, out of time, into the world of connectedness, into the world of peace and well being, into the world of energy.
From here you can imagine your goals and set your intention. Do not use force, do not “send” energy, do not effort in any way. Let your intention form the coherent bonds needed to bring things to you, then behave as if your creation is already here.
For more on energy and energy reality, see my book “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, available on Amazon, at local bookstores and on my website:
Thank you for these posts Beverly, I enjoy the depth and simplicity at the same time.