In case you hadn’t noticed, the world is now changing at an incredible speed. Institutions that have been mainstays for centuries are crumbling under the weight of scandals and exposures, weather is destroying homes and businesses and causing much rebuilding, and many people are choosing to leave the planet at this time.
With all the apparent chaos in the air, it is understandable that it would be hard not to expect the worst when it comes to our own lives. Especially at night, when sleep won’t come, those negative thoughts just won’t leave our brains alone.
After all, on the physical plane, our expectations are shaped by past experience. This is normal and how we learn to protect ourselves and control our environment. If I burn my hand on a hot stove, I learn to avoid touching hot stoves in the future. With so much chaos and destruction going on around us, it is hard not to expect that we might also be affected.
But expectation is a funny thing. In the late 1960’s Robert Rosenthal at Harvard discovered that the expectations of teachers could change even something as immutable as the IQ of their students. “The Expectancy Effect” as it was later dubbed, shows us that we literally get what we expect.
While this seems counter intuitive based on our experiences in the physical realm, expectations are not physical, and when not used expressly to keep us safe in the physical world, they can be very limiting. Expectations are energy, and as such, they exist in the energy dimension and obey energetic rules.
One of the primary differences between the rules of the energy dimension and the rules of the physical dimension is what attracts what. In the physical dimension opposites attract. In the energy dimension, similarities attract.
This means that expecting negative things to happen will tend to draw those things to you, while expecting positive things will have the opposite affect. No matter what is happening around you, it doesn’t necessarily have to affect you.
This is why people with a positive outlook always seem to “have all the luck”, and people with negative outlooks always seem to have a cloud over their heads, with one bad thing following another. It’s a good bet that both of these people originally had the same kinds of experiences, it just they chose to look at them differently – a glass half full rather than a glass half empty.
Having an optimistic outlook will ultimately affect not only you, but those around you. Positive energy vibrates at a higher frequency and will lift lower vibrations up to meet it, (but only if you resist the urge to let your energy fall in the presence of others’ negative thinking).
But it is also important to remember that we are ultimately responsible only for ourselves. That is, no matter how much we love others, we cannot and should not try to control their thoughts and/or actions, or blame ourselves if others get into trouble. While our positive and compassionate energy will almost always be helpful to those around us, it may not result in what we might consider the best possible outcome. Each of us is responsible for our own choices.
So in the case of others, as in our own lives, it is important to realize that even what appears to be a negative event, can turn out to be very positive, but only if we expect an ultimate positive outcome and look for it. Sometimes the most beneficial outcomes are the results of what at first seem to be disasters.
So the next time you fear the worst because that’s “what happened last time”, or because “it happened to someone else”, or because “it’s only logical”, remember that it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. Living in a multidimensional reality means realizing that physical laws are not the only ones operating here on Earth.
It also means stepping back and beginning to view things from the soul’s point of view, where all things move together toward our next highest good..
For more on energy and energy reality, see my book “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, available on Amazon, at local bookstores and on my website:
Great article Bev…
It truly is our choice as to how we response to what life brings to us…so many times my life challenges have been the “sacred gateways” to understanding myself and others with more compassion and more love, and to discovering new perspectives, resources and possibilities. Thank-you for you wisdom!