Ever since I returned from Iceland on the first of July, I have felt disoriented and distracted. It has been difficult, if not impossible, to get back into the groove of things as they were before. It is as if the groove has completely disappeared. I feel like my energy field has been blasted to bits, and now I must pick up the pieces and rearrange them in a way that is somehow more appropriate.
Traveling is always expansive and reorientation does take time. But this trip seems very different from returning from other travels. I definitely feel like the person I was when I left home, is not the person who returned. So it’s not just the travel. Something else is going on.
That something else is changing energy. Since 2012, we have been experiencing the clearing needed for new energy to enter and bring in new potentials. The Earth is under reconstruction. I don’t know exactly where we are in the process, but after the 1st of July, the pace of change has quickened, and this intensifying energy has drastically affected everything, from global affairs, to my own personal energy field.
Change is messy and chaotic, but it is not necessarily bad. Think of a remodeling project. (Just the thought makes me cringe.) Think of the destruction that has to take place before the real work can even begin – tearing out walls and windows, ripping up floors or carpets, and throwing out and carting away all the debris. What a mess!
There is some grief as well. The old space holds wonderful memories, and we’ve grown comfortable with it even though it no longer fits our needs. So there can be sadness at loss, and resentment at all the chaos and confusion around us. The disruption of our space also affects our energy fields which need to reorient and adapt as well, making us feel even more disturbed and uncomfortable.
After the destructive phase, the actual remodeling can begin. But this stage is messy too – lots of dust and dirt, constant hammering and sawing and the inability to use space we have taken for granted in the past. But at least we can begin to imagine what it will look like at the end of the process.
This is the difference between a personal remodeling project and the changes happening on Earth today. In a remodeling project, we know what the outcome will be and happily anticipate it. That hope and excitement keeps our hearts open to the process and helps us tolerate and accommodate to the disruption the project creates. The more open and positive our energy, the more able we are to manifest the potentials that help the project turn out well, even if there are unexpected twists and turns along the way.
After 2012, the Earth, with humanity’s permission, began its remodeling project. Looking at world affairs, it seems like we are still in the destructive stage, but who knows! It’s all messy.
When we experience this chaos and disruption it is easy to feel lost and helpless, as if things are spiraling out of control and we have nothing to say about it. But this is a collective project. Even though it seems like we have no personal control, we are part of the larger co-creative process.
Change without a clear vision of outcome produces fear, anger and resentment in many. When confronted with chaos and confusion it is easy to expect the worst rather than anticipate the best. These negative emotions are full of friction and separate us from the potentials needed for a positive outcome. They interfere with the remodeling project in the same way getting angry with your contractor would slow and complicate the remodeling project.
The changes we are experiencing will take a while. There is obviously much to do. And even after they are completed, there is the reorganization that must take place after every reconstruction project is finished. And this reconstruction project moves us into an energy reality where nothing stands still. In other words, stasis is no longer possible. We will never go back to “normal”. Energy is in constant motion, and as we move into a new world that recognizes energy reality, our lives will be in constant motion as well.
What can we do to take care of ourselves?
1. Breathe. When fear and doubt raise their heads, take a moment to do some deep breathing, bringing your energy back to you in order to release any undo interference from outside influences. If that doesn’t do it, breathe your energy down into the ground (grounding) and ask the Earth to help smooth out any residual roughness or friction. Keep breathing until the fear has passed, and your connection with Earth energy has helped you regain trust in the process.
2. Open your heart. Greet change with an open heart and a flexible mind, no matter how messy and chaotic life seems at the moment. Our openness allows connection to the highest potentials and facilitates their actualization. We don’t even have to know what the potentials are since our openness to them will automatically bring the best forward. Openness and flexibility allow us to move gracefully through change.
3. Accept and appreciate. Love and accept ourselves just as we are. Choose connection and appreciation over separation and intolerance. Fear, and its siblings, frustration, anger, doubt and resentment, cause friction, throw monkey wrenches into the construction process and block connection to positive potentials. Love and appreciation facilitate harmony and creative synergy. In this way we become facilitators of evolution rather than victims.
4. Dream large. Dreaming is the way potentials are born. When we add our individual dreams to the collective vision, we float those potentials for others to pick up, encouraging and supporting their actualization. In this way we can all be co-creators the next phase of the process. Our dreams of today are the realities of tomorrow.
You can learn more about the energy realm in my book, “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, found on Amazon, in local bookstores, and on my website, www.transformationalexpansion.com.
Just glad to note that the numbers experiencing changes within their energy levels is increasing exponentially, please continue to allow and enjoy. As the saying goes “you ain’t,seen nothing yet! Best wishes.