There have been many predictions surrounding the year 2012, most of them about doom and gloom, the end of the world and terrible destruction. But that’s not really what 2012 is all about.
In the last few years there has already been much natural (tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, storms, etc.) and man-made destruction (bank, housing and government collapses, sexual and financial scandals, etc.). But destruction, as tragic as it can be, always frees up new energy. This new energy, because of its unstable condition, and the fear and tragedy that often go with it, is what we call chaos.
Chaos is not necessarily a bad thing, however. It is just newly freed energy waiting to be structured. It feels irritating, scary and uncomfortable because of the negative things associated with it, but also because it is newly released, free-floating and unformed, just hanging around with no place to go. It lacks borders and boundaries and order, and thus has the unfortunate tendency to scare people.
However, this kind of energy is much easier to create with because it IS unstructured – you don’t have to pry it up or dislodge it before you can work with it. It conforms easily to human consciousness and often pulls in extra energy as well. It WANTS to have structure and form and is glad to help out. Beginning in 2012, all that new unformed, unfocused energy is available to anyone who wants to use it.
So I see 2012 as a year of creation. It is already happening. Underneath all the news of doom and gloom is an air of excitement, an energy of something new happening, even if people don’t quite know what it is that they are creating. This is actually part of the creation process, working with energy through many iterations, until something coalesces that really works.
So I ask myself, and I invite you to ask yourself as well. What do I want to create? What are my hopes and dreams? There is no better time than now for each of us to identify those dreams, then take them and run with them.
What keeps us from following our dreams? Perhaps it is fear of failure, fear of ridicule, fear of too great a change, fear of not knowing what we are doing, fear of the unknown, or fear of success?
Yes, fear of success. Sometimes fear of success is our greatest challenge. What happens if I do succeed? How will it change my life? Do I want those kinds of changes? If not, why not? Am I afraid of the exposure it will bring? Am I afraid of the workload? Am I afraid my family will be disrupted? Am I afraid I will be jolted out of the comfortable niche I have made for myself? Am I afraid my ego will be caught up in the hype?
But then I think about my undeveloped potential. What about the things I am passionate about? What about the activities and experiences that make my heart sing? Why not expand as far as I can go, sharing my passion and excitement about the things I love? Doing it not for fame and glory but just because I love it and want to share my knowledge and meaningful experiences with as many other people as possible.
So let’s let ourselves dream large this New Year, and then share what we want to create. Writing it down, especially in a public place, helps structure and concretize the energy, bringing it closer to physical reality. You can start right here in the comment space below by identifying your dreams. Then share as your creations take shape, inspiring us all.
So let’s set off some imaginary fireworks under ourselves, and get out of our own way. All that new energy is just waiting for us to form something wonderful from it.
In 2012 we can reach for the stars. They are closer than we think.
For more on energy and energy reality, see my book “It’s All About Energy: Adventures in Expanded Reality”, available on Amazon, at local bookstores and on my website:
Hey Bev,
Great blog – as usual.
My 2012 creative energies are focused on both internal growth and a new, two-story, energy efficient, ICF house that is completed in 2012.
I hope one of your creative dreams is the publication of your wonderful book that I read a few years ago.
Love Brenda
Hi Brenda,
Here’s to your new house!
And my book is definitely on my agenda. Thanks for the endorsement.
Happy New Year!
I love being able to see chaos as the beginning. I absolutely see 2012 as a time for new creations in my work. Thanks for such a thoughtful and inspirational blog!
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Wonderful article Bev! I love to be reminded that chaos is simply creativity seeking new form. In this new year I want to create a daily practice of gratitude…real, heart-felt, down on your knees kind of gratitude!